The license never expires. Radial Blur mode creates a circular blurring effect normally caused by rotating or zooming the camera while shooting a picture. Refocus - Focus Correction - Background Defocus 2. Use the blue pencil to select areas to be processed with the above mentioned settings. In real photography, you can achieve this effect with special tilt-shift camera lenses. akvis refocus

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Note that some features are only available for the advanced licenses: All features are included! To draw attention to certain details, you can use selective focus.

akvis refocus

Tilt-Shift mode allows leaving a sharp strip in the image, adding gradual blur at the edges, with smooth transitions between the regions and with bokeh effects. It lets you re-focus the entire image or bring only certain elements of the image into focus. One license key lets you register the product on two computers, it does not matter what system you use.

Motion Blur mode allows to simulate the movement in static images. It is especially effective in tandem with the previous parameter.

AKVIS Refocus Screenshots: Photo Sharpening Software

Other articles you might find interesting The parameter sets the level of smoothness. Business License allows registering and using the software on 2 computers. One license key allows activating and using the software on two computers. The product is available as a standalone application and as a plugin to a rwfocus editor.

akvis refocus

Spin Blur option creates the appearance that the image is spinning. This update adds the ability to save and load custom presets and improves on the Crop tool. The software is available in versions for Windows and Mac. The software improves sharpness of out of focus images. It is an advanced version of Home license; it is valid for both plugin and standalone editions. It is better to draw refocud closed outline around the objects. You can drag the preview area to analyze the effect on the different parts of the photo.

AKVIS Refocus: License Comparison

Use this feature to restore presets after installing the software on a new system or even to share your experience with other users.

The license refochs targeted at advanced users who have high requirements to the software. Mac OS X The software runs on Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8. With this program you can create a blur background in a click. Digital cameras are a good companion for capturing everyday moments - refochs are handy and offer automatic settings that save you time.

The parameter strengthens details akvks an image. Selection Effect Area Tools. To get started quickly, the program offers a large number of presets. You can interrupt the process by clicking on the Cancel button right to the progress bar.

Akvis Refocus 3.0 Software

Login Join for Free. Cookies help us deliver our service. In contrast to the previous mode, this one lets you specify the shape of the sharp area ellipse, rectangle.

Using special tools you can separate the subject from the background; to achieve a more realistic selective focus effect you can sharpen one part of the photo and blur the rest. Useful Info Compatibility Discounts Upgrade.

akvis refocus


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